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(1 edit)

Ігровий процес чудовий, дизайн вражаючий, меню перед запуском гри підвело, навіщо мені писати 5, щоб вибрати рівень 3? чому не можна вибрати курсором? Ну а якщо курсора немає, то можна зробити окрему вкладку рівня і там вибрати рівень. Незважаючи на меню. Я з радістю чекаю її в парі.

PS Гра дуже проста.


The game looks amazing!


I really like the grapple controls, the spacey world, the music!

However, the game was terribly difficult. I played both before and after the tutorial was updated, and it was so difficult that I could not clear the first stage even with the relaxed version after the update.

The camera shakes very much when walking, which causes 3D sickness, so it would be nice if it would not shake so much if possible.

But it's really a great game with a great worldview, so it's my favorite


Thank you! We really appreciate your feedback. And we will try to make it better. Wait for us on Steam!

(2 edits) (+1)

Awesome game. I like the style. You can hear more there:


Nice job!


The best game ever made!!!

